

Insert introductory text.


  • For everyday usage, use the Brave browser.

  • For improved privacy, use the Tor browser. Note that this will be a much slower experience, will likely require multiple confirmations that you are human and not a bot, and not everything will work (e.g., streaming services). It’ll probably be more frustrating than it’s worth to set Tor as your default browser; instead use Brave as your default, and use Tor for operations that require the utmost anonymity.

  • As a back-up, for when a website simply won’t function with either of the above, use Firefox.


Password Vault

  • Use ProtonPass.

  • Sign up for the Pass Plus subscription to allow for unlimited email aliases. Create aliases for each service you log in to.

  • Once you’ve logged in on a computer, click the button in the address bar to install the app and access it via the app instead of a browser.

  • Install the Brave browser extension.


Work in Progress

Haven’t worked through this yet.

YouTube Alternatives

  • Use Odysee for the content creators that are hosting their videos there. An Android app is also available for your smart phone. If you want to see if a particular YouTube video is available, use the Try LBRY app from the F-Droid app store.

  • For videos that aren’t hosted on Odysee, you can use Piped instead, which is a front-end to YouTube without all the tracking. On your smart phone, you can use LibreTube, which uses Piped behind the scenes.